Here is an example of how to use skyway.
For more information, you can run skyway --help
skyway --from pbf --input input-file.pbf --to json --output output-file.json
If you do not specify an input or output file, skyway will default to standard in and standard out, respectively. This enables you to stream data into and out of skyway, like this:
cat input-file.pbf | skyway --from pbf --to json > output-file.json
Supported Formats
Here is a table showing the formats skyway supports reading and writing.
The shortname is used to indicate the format when running skyway, e.g. skyway --from xml ...
When paired together, "speedy" readers and writers will generally run faster by passing data between threads.
❌ – Not Supported
✅ – Supported
⚡ – Speedy!
†Use the shortname json
to read Overpass JSON, it uses the same parser as OSM JSON. Use overpass
for writing.